If you find yourself unable to make a good selection of right colours,
you can take the help of a good colour consultant who might suggest you
with right kind of colour shades for your home.
The color can not exist without the light and is formed by waves of which only a few areas perceptible by the human eye. The prism splits the light that makes us see the component colors: violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red. The rainbow shows us the colors of the prism, formed by the refraction and reflection of sunlight in raindrops.
The colors are pure or obtained from the combinations. The primary and secondary colors can be grouped into a pattern: the color wheel.
The primary colors are obtained by any combination and are three: the deep magenta, yellow and cyan blue.
The secondary colors are obtained by the union of the primary colors, blue in the yellow give green, blue over red, purple and red over yellow orange.
The tertiary colors are colors that are less defined and are close to the color wheel and are blue-violet, which is made from the blue with the purple.
Complementary colors are colors that are less defined and are close to the color wheel. Red is complementary of green, purple, yellow and yellow-green purple-red. They are called so because they complement. In fact if we look at a red surface well lit and if we close our eyes quickly on the green retina appears as if you wanted to restore a balance that is missing.
A highly saturated color light gray and without content is lively as if a color is lightened with white to pale. If a saturated color is darkened with the black is deeper and if you add a dark color on dark gray is called off or weak.
A violent color can be adjusted with a little 'gray but a pure color loses its brightness and liveliness and becomes sad, almost menacing.
The harmonies are shades of one color with different values, including all shades ranging from light beige to brown with all the colors that give peace of mind. These nuances are often used with complementary colors to give a fresh feel.
When constructing a composition should be careful of using too many colors because it is often confusing contrasts. Of course, if the light is colored white changes the perception of color, a glowing light makes yellow lighter and darker blue, a red light red will seem clearer, a sodium lamp brings out the values by eliminating the colors.
According to some studies it was found that colors affect human behavior in a non-uniform, in fact, if we take into account a color associated with good memories will remain long in a cheerful color.
There are various colors, some of which give off a feeling of warmth ranging from yellow-green to red-purple, while others exude coolness, such as those that go for blue.
Tale distinction of color is useful in the lining of the local environments using warm colors to places further north and cold tones in those exposed to the sun.
Yellow is a very light color, bright, cheerful, if is combined with white, while retaining the radiance loses strength on the contrary, mixed with dark colors its dynamism is accentuated. It is not advisable to pull the yellow with pink or blue, but with orange and purple.
Red is a very exciting colors like green, is very bright, according to various combinations can also be vulgar, if it is mixed with gray ignites a sense of tragedy.
Blue color is a deep and calm, can be combined with white and some shades of green highlighting the color brown.
Green is a bright color to yellow if it is approached, can also be sad, this color can make many variations arise, as happens in nature during the changing seasons.
Orange is a color that contains a bit 'all the qualities like liveliness, cheerfulness, if that is put together with white loses its intensity and mixed with black, you get very warm shade of brown.
Purple is a noble color and enhance that its quality if it is matched to red. If it is mixed with white exudes a sense of feeling (lilac), with red-purple color becomes a very strong and the blue-violet refers to the cold and loneliness.
The colors may vary in shades according to the material that is used.